
I met these hands some 6 years ago but they met each other 39 years ago. The bottom hand was quite low when the top hand entered the scene and they were married a year later and like all grreat stories have lived very happily ever since.
These hands found that they shared many things in common but the top hand introduced the bottom one to dogs some years later and dogs have featured in their lives ever since with an Old English being followed by Golden Retreivers and now to a Wheaten Terrier.
The top hand was working a holiday job in a toy store when they met but now has become highly respected in Financial Governance areas while the bottom hand seems to have a way with technology and camera shutter buttons.
They celebrated the passing years today by travelling to Hamner and buying a tree. I didn't actually see this as it was raining and The Boss popped the rain cover on his camera pak which covered me too but kept me dry.
It was, I understand, a special tree and a very good choice for such an auspicious occasion, and may be blipped at a later time when they have figured out how to get it home.

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