An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



You can always tell when I have loads of stuff to do that I can't really be a*sed doing, because I post a water shot. These usually keep me out of mischief long enough to avoid all the crappy household admin that I should be attending to. Who cares, there's always tomorrow.

And if I pop my clogs in the middle of the night then hey ho, at least my final day wasn't spent doing crappy household admin. Win / Win ;)

It's my dream to take a crystal clear water drop shot but I just don't have time or the inclination for the faff of the set up. Camera in one hand, medicine syringe full of water in the other and a granite kitchen top will do for me. Even if it does mean an ISO of 4000!!! Should've bought that macro flash ring instead of the wide angle lens after all.

David's hardly in this evening till he's back out the door again so I am going to try and be a good wife and have dinner on the table for him coming home. That'll flummox him!

Oooo! Oooo! I knew something exciting had happened today! One of two of our new study chairs arrived!! The other arrives tomorrow (apparently despite being identical, ordered at the same time and from the same company, delivery of both on the same day is beyond them!) I am excited because we are currently sharing an office chair not at the same time! and it is knackered.

Right, time for a Peppermint tea and a look to see what exciting things you lot have been up to today :)

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