
That was my day. In all aspects, I think, quite fruitful.

Plenty of pensions processed, leaving with a feeling that I'm on top of things to start my week. Coffee with Jon in the French Quarter mid morning, which was very holiday-like. Sadly no scones today, but its only 4 days until the weekend! I really need to have another go at baking- not my forte. I have never mastered scones. Jon went into Norwich late morning, and I had a late lunch due to the many phone calls I received. At one point I counted up the missed calls and from 4 different numbers I had a total of 42 missed calls. Its a wonder I got any work done really.

At just after 2.30 a pest control person arrived to (hopefully) sort out the two wasps nests in our loft. He was an old boy, proper Norfolk - looked about 80 and reminded me of a Ronnie Barker character. I was worried that he was going to go up a ladder, but he did it from the ground with a long handled gadget. Relieved me of £85 and was on his way. Could have done without that dent being made in my caravan fund, just after our holiday, but Jon tried last night in the dark on a ladder, but the wasps were so angry I said to him I would rather pay than have him fall off a ladder under an attack from the wasps. We have got to watch and see if there is still activity, and if there is I will get him back.

I finished work at 4.30 then got my stuff together and headed up to the allotment where I spent just under 2 hours weeding in the fruit cage. There are still so many tall weeds, but I made a good start. It is hard to do it with any kind of tools, without accidentally cutting the raspberry canes. Picked those I could see that were red, and also the gooseberries. Just a handful, but enough for a pudding.

Mollie had cooked dinner by the time I got back, so that was a relief. Now I'm going to do a bit more ironing. Not strictly a job for holidays, but after the mountain I did yesterday, I thought 'little and often' might be a better way to deal with it.

But first...I must share out those raspberries...

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