Sixteen today!

Emmy, our youngest grandchild, is celebrating her 16th birthday today. Naturally she gets to be the blip, and the sun cooperated beautifully on this special day. Happy Birthday, Em!

Whoops! It looks as if Emmy and I get to celebrate on the same day! I have never been very good at math, but I thought my blip birthday was tomorrow. I even have it on my calendar. I figured that five years times 365 blips for each "year", plus 1 for the Leap Year day would add up to 1826 entries. Apparently the Blip Boffins figure it differently. I posted Emmy's birthday picture, then went out on some errands. When I came home, I discovered that 29 people have already commented. That was a wake up call, to say the least! Since blipping birds has been my special thing for many of my 1825 blips, you might think that today's blip would be a bird, but we are having a double celebration: Emmy's 16th and my 5th! The birds will have to wait until tomorrow.

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