Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Lost llama!

Ten days ago, when I was in Perth Ali messaged me to say that Josie had dropped her toy llama when they were in Stockbridge. She'd retraced her steps and gone into all the shops but hadn't been able to find it. It was one which I bought for her from the White Company before she was born and which we had great affection for. Today, as I was feeling more energetic I decided to go and see if I could find it. We had almost come to the end of the shops, I had been in every single one along the street in case it had been handed in and was behind a till. I searched all the toy boxes in the charity shops too. Almost the last stop was the Barnardos shop, we almost didn't bother as we wanted a cuppa by then. There it was though, in their box of soft toys - there only were two other toys in the box so it was immediately noticeable. I couldn't believe it and went straight to the till to pay, I did say to the man that I thought it was ours as we had lost it, but was happy to pay the £1 he asked.
Ali couldnt believe it when I sent her the photo. We're sure it's the same one for various reasons. It quite made my day. Colin was with me and was dumbfounded.
I can be very dogged at times. It's the second thing I've found for Ali when she thought it was a hopeless cause. The other was about nine months ago, a tiny ruby earring which she lost while going to the chemist. She pinged it off when removing her mask after being in the shop. I retraced her steps and found that too after a search.
My extra today reflects my blip of yesterday for those surprised at growing a passionflower out of doors. There is a whole hedge of them in Raeburn Place, just by Gallerie Mirage, another of my favourite shops - if you don't know it, it's a virtual treasure trove and well worth a visit. This one comes with bonus bee!

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