
Went to work, worked, went back home.

The second class took place in the North building, used by the Tourism Academy.  My HQ is in the South building.  Before leaving the North building, I took advantage of an almost empty atrium to take this shot.  The snack bars here are open again, manned by the students, of course.  In this picture, it's almost lunchtime.  I wanted to avoid that rush.

A very grey, wet, and cold day.  Emphasis on 'wet' and 'cold'.

Back home, helped with preparing dinner, but also busy MOOCking.  Kitchen duties in the evening while AW left for Tuesday evening live bridge in Oudenbosch.  Earlier, in the afternoon, he finished insulating the ceiling in the front shed.  He is so pleased it's done.  I am so pleased about that, but also about the fact that he hasn't developed any back pain after all that work.

While my classes were busy writing essays, I began reading Orhan Pamuk's The White Castle.  I'm not even halfway yet and I already find it a fabulous book, truly worth its place on our bookshelf.  Don't know what it is with me, but I like owning really good books.  I've been meaning to start on him for quite a while now, and as I have his entire ouvre here, that should be an easy task.

The nicest part of the day was being greeted with 'Happy Birthday' from AW and Son.  Yes, he's a day ahead of me.  And now I'm 61.  The celebratory dinner will take place tomorrow... at the lovely restaurant at my work!

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