Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Tis the Season

... or at least one of them, my cacti are never quite sure when it is their turn and even less so since I muddled up the cuttings a couple of years ago. Now I have multiple colours in the same pot and if I keep them away from Pickle they look really healthy. The pink budded stem in this shot came from my parents house in Barnton in 1985 when my Dad moved south.
I think I am well on the road to recovery now, thanks for the concern. I'm not sure where this cold came from, whether it was somehow related to my vaccines - I don't believe so - or what, but I'm glad it's on its way now.
Today was Ali's birthday, she's almost at LP speed now I told her, just 4 months to go! Josie stayed over here last night, and has been under the weather for the last two days so they had a fairly quiet day. They're a bit fed up, they couldn't celebrate Josie's 1st birthday as mum and dad had Covid and couldn't celebrate Ali's today as Josie wasn't well.
Still, we treated them to a carry out so they enjoyed that.

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