Granton Sur Med

A lovely scene.Totally unlike Granton, really. Unfortunately it didn't look like there was much prospect of wind and a sail. And I'd been gearing myself up for a solo sail, so I had. However, by the back of 11am, there was a ripple! I was off, not exactly like a shot, mind. However, there was enough puff to sail out the harbour, engine off and then I was off on my lonesome into the blue. I had to 'hove to' awhile to let a passing gas tanker down the main channel and then, one nifty gybe and I was whistling down Mortimer's Deep on the far side of Inchcolm. By this time the wind had strengthened nicely and as I hardened up, was bishing along at over 5kts.
What a tremendous day and a great sense of achievement, as the last time I'd been for a solo sail was back here. Afterwards, I sat in the sun on the mooring and helped myself to a tot. Just bliss.

Well, listeners, it's time for this ...

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