Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Killing me with cuteness!

Maybe it is just my state of mind, but everywhere I look, I am surrounded by cuteness. I mean, off-the-charts cuteness. The gosling yesterday and the day before and little Scar today - freaking cute out the wazoo.

Scar is very timid and runs into his borrow under the hose box when I go outside. So, today, I put a little pile of shelled peanuts right outside his den door and sat very quietly about 15 feet away and waited ... and waited...and waited. Finally to be rewarded with an appearance. I predict that I'll have won him over within a month - just in time for Anni to get here!

First sighting of a female hummer today - which means that things should start heating up soon as the males begin their courting flights. Maybe tomorrow I'll even get a blip-worthy shot of one of them.

We had some much-needed rain today which made for dreary photo conditions, but some very funny looking birds. Take the completely soaked blue jay, mouth full of acorns for example. And I saw a titmouse feeding his mate - poor little guy was dripping he was so wet. However, he was dutifully feeding his rather demanding spouse.

I think the woodpeckers must be getting close to laying eggs. Both the female Hairy WP and the ever-charming and talkative Mrs. Red-bellied WP were hitting the suet pretty hard. Even had the first Gray Catbirds of the season coming around to check out the suet. Gotta love spring...

Thank you for sending my gosling to the Spotlight page - where he stayed most of the day. I'm seeing so many adorable blips of ducklings and goslings right now - I'm being killed with cuteness....

Happy Hump Day!


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