Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Let's eat cake!

At last, a quiet day, just what I needed.
I've been intending to make a yellow star for the top of the tree on the Christmas cake for ages but never seemed to get around to it.
Today I opened the box of cake decorating things, and there was a box with four sugar craft stars - I could have done it ages ago!
Next to the party, was a little tub of silver stars which are actually more like a pewter colour. I then found a little pot of shiny silver powder which I sprinkled over the cake. I think gold shimmer would have been better, but never mind. It's finally done.
Kathryn brought the girls in after lunch today and Eilidh was very pleased with her climbing harness. We sang happy birthday to her too, just a day late.
We spent the evening watching a couple episodes of Only Connect and 8 out of 10 cats.
Very heavy rain in Scotland today, severe flooding on several major roads and various areas of Edinburgh. I didn't go out apart from to bring in the bins, well bin actually as our bottle crate seems to have disappeared.
Thank you for all the good wishes on my blipday yesterday, and also for Josie. She seems none the worse today thank goodness.

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