scorpion flies or wasps vodkaman gently told me,I saw on the stem and leaves of a plant in the rain. My opportunity for today in the rain.
Rather early I said to Piet Hein I better go walk now then, when he told me there was rain expected to fall later in the morning.
But when I came outside I already had to unfold my umbrella. Happily it was not cold. I walked to the Ockenburgh park and felt peaceful. The dogs with their parents or caretakers had much fun with each other.
One man was taking pictures of some mysterious object at a very dark place. It looked as if he wanted to make a picture of the waterdrops in the little canal.
For a moment I thought that I could ask him, but he walked suddenly quickly away to his car, probably had done enough.
The three flies, not yet identified, although I did my best already, seemed to me perfect, since they were the only creatures I met in the park posing. I heard the birds, a lovely sound, I saw the dogs, some very sweet ones too, a couple of ducks of course there always are swimming around.
I had had the intention to walk to the Blue bell forest but decided against it. Why challenge the weathergods or watergods for that matter?
A plan is forming in my head about abandoning perhaps the proverbs and start with first sentences. I already looked in the internet and saw a site with the 100 most famous first sentences. That would be too easy I think.
Many years ago I had learned that there had been a thesis on this subject, written by a literary theorist. Too late to try to remember the author or title.

My haiku:

My little friend Fly
Did not flew away feeling
My warm breath on her

And the proverb:

Before you drink at a brook, it is well to know its source.

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