Floral Tribute

I’m not sure what the occasion was that precipitated the bunch of roses left at groyne 4 in Porty where Sue and I changed this morning, but it became a blip in the making. It did make us a trifle uneasy though, positioned as it was, at the point of our entry into the briny. Perhaps someone local has the answer.

It felt cold this morning with a chilly north wind. The tide was high and with the wind the sea was interestingly alive allowing us 8 minutes of joyous wave jumping before we got hypothermia. 

With the teachers on strike again for 2 days, our journey to Porty and back was noticeably quieter this morning. It appears that not only were pupils at home but parents were not going into work either.

The skies cleared a little mid morning but that didn’t last and it looks now as though my afternoon walk is going to be cold and gloomy.

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