Smeaton, East Lothian

Not for us Merry Widows a wet Wednesday in the city even it was the 1st day of spring. Oh no, we were jaunting down to East Linton and coffee at the Smeaton Garden Centre , never mind that it was even wetter in East Lothian and muddier too.
Negotiating puddles and diversions in the centre, we sat a long time nursing our coffees and tucking into scones that shamed the city ones for size but when the rain stopped and the sun shone, we walked round the Lochan in the grounds admiring the snowdrops and the views. 

Back in the car and driven by the only one of the coven owning such a thing, we tootled happily east until we reached Dunbar where it was decided it was time for lunch. Never believe that ladies of a certain age don’t eat much- that’s a lie - we can pig out like the rest of you, literally as  kettle ham figured largely one member’s plate. We never did find out where the ‘kettle ‘bit came from.

Time to return home and rejoin the hustle and bustle of city life , but oh how we enjoyed our day out in the peace of East Lothian’s highways and byways.
Thank you ,Val, for being our tour guide for the day. We must get you a uniform if we have another trip.

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