Feb 28

I blinked and missed most of February.
Another partly sunny but cool day. I worked this morning, then decided to take the afternoon off. I have possibly a long day tomorrow, and when I left for work this morning the forecast for Thursday was less than 5 cm of snow. So I figured I could work on Thursday to finish off one other job that is due this week. Now the forecast has changed and they are calling for 10 - 15 cm of snow on Thursday. I'm not sure what time it will start, I am hoping it will be Thursday afternoon.
I decided to take a drive around the Lawrencetown loop this afternoon and stopped at Conrad's Beach for a walk. There were some common mergansers and buffleheads in some of the open water near the marsh. I walked to the end of the boardwalk and had a view of the beach, but could not see any birds in the ocean. I almost didn't want to walk back since I knew I would be walking into the wind.
The washing machine saga continues. Another washer was delivered this morning. Fortunately N was here, I'm not sure what happened to T's mother, she was supposed to come over to let them in. They hooked it up, then took the other washer with them, even though it was supposed to stay here. Later this afternoon N asked if the washer was ready to be used. He needed clean clothes for work tomorrow.  He started the washer, it filled, then it stopped. About 15 minutes later, the water drained out of it. That's all it did, so I am not sure what is wrong with it. I called T to let him know it was not working. He will come over tomorrow and figure out what is wrong with it. 

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