Behind the Gate

I spent the evening taking shots of my friends dogs. Her husband's birthday is coming up and she'd like a good one of his dogs to frame up as his present.

At the gate, these two border collies were waiting patiently for me to arrive. They aren't the dogs I was there to photograph. Their total of ten dogs aren't just pets. A. manages a large herd of cattle and her seven collies are invaluable assistants to her job. The two labs and a cocker spaniel are gun dogs and belong to her husband.

Like all true working dogs, they have only one real owner and the gun dogs weren't as responsive to commands given by a lesser boss. To get the shots we wanted wasn't easy but I've got them, alongside many others of the collies who, of course, behaved impeccably.

Of course, as one does, I decided to fiddle with some of my camera settings before I left the house and stupidly left the ISO on automatic. It wasn't the brightest of days, to say the least, and the camera has whacked it up far to far for my liking! Some really nice shots will have to be recovered. I will be stuck at my desk tomorrow but it will all be worth it!

This isn't the best shot but the only one I've had time to edit. Too late to do any more now as work calls!

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