
It was the monthly Monday morning coffee and toast at the Ivy on the Square for us two ageing school friends. I do love this particular start to the week although today the bill we were presented with was twice as expensive as last month and the months before that. It transpired that whereas previously we had had coffee refills as a perk, the Ivy have suddenly decided  to charge. We protested, they backed down, but the bill was still 25% dearer than usual. We may have to take our custom elsewhere.

It was a damp dispiriting morning on the climate front and having walked home via the library in a light drizzle to return a book, I have not had the urge to go out again and instead have finished this Cadburys egg chicken. 

It’s taken all my resolve not to eat one of my Mothering Sunday chocolates from David. I’ve opened the box and had a look but I am holding fire until this evening when I can eat one or two with a huge slurp of Lidl’s answer to Bayley’s  Irish Cream

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