Tide’s Out

Sue and I decided this morning that there is absolutely no point in trying to submerge ourselves in the sea at Porty when the tide is out. In future we will time our swims better. We did try to submerge today though, before we made the decision. 

Having walked quite a distance to find sea far beyond the groyne, we then had another 50yds wading to have the water reach mid thigh on me, knee high on Sue. Eventually, she called it a day saying she was scared that if we continued we would eventually fall off a hypothetical beach cliff into deep water since the sea obviously can’t maintain a depth of 18” all the way to Fife. I think she sat on the sea bed while I  managed to float on my back. How we laughed and laughed as we adopted positions to get under the water. It was fun and as she said, definitely blew the cobwebs away.

It was a long hike back to our clothes but the sun shone on us. We were exhilarated but determined not to dook ever again at a time when we had to walk the length of a football pitch just to have the water up to thigh level. I wonder if there is indeed a sudden drop into deep water………..

The sun isn’t shining now as I write - it’s dull with intermittent light drizzle.

My shell blip rests on a band of coal dust which the high tide ungraciously leaves behind. The rest of the beach is clear but is certainly no competition in colour for the white sandy island beaches we have in the north and the west.

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