Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Finally found some lambs in a place where I could stop (Craigie Farm) I rather like the way this ewe was camera ready with her eye liner in place!
I was in Winchburgh this morning and took the opportunity to use the new road from the M9. Coming back along the Forth I spotted what I thought was a rainbow over Fife and stopped at the Newton layby to take a picture. Once I was stopped, I realised it was perhaps some Nacreous cloud. None of my pictures was ideal, the limitations of a phone camera, but it was very striking. There have been some strange rainstorms today and at one point that very yellow light which comes before a shower.
Looking at the picture reminded me that they are going to be trialling driverless buses across the Forth Bridge and in towards Edinburgh. My only question is Why? Why do we need them? Who wants them and if a driver has to be there in case they need to intervene, why bother? Surely there are better things to research and develop and spend money on. I can think of a few without even trying. I am not against progress, my father was an engineer and research scientist, but this seems a strange development.

I had some sad news from a friend today who says she is coming to the end of her time. The miracle I'm praying for is a gentle end and for her continued faith and painfree courage to sustain her. That and knowing that she is loved.

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