Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

a wee bawbee

Today I met up with a New Zealand friend. Meredith came to work alongside me in 1991/2. Her enlightened country gave teachers time for professional development/sabbatical work and she decided to come to Scotland for a year. She's still working as a teacher of the blind in NZ, but came across for a family event. I do see her from time to time as she also shows Golden Retrievers at high level and comes over for the gathering at Guisachan every so often.
Today she and her sister decided they would like to visit the National Museum of Scotland and we spent a good few hours there. Coincidentally today was the last day of the amazing installation made from plastic bottles and which is particularly relevant for those who live in the lands of the southern seas. It was rather beautiful and I'm glad we caught it.
"The exhibition hosts the latest version of artist George Nuku's installation, Bottled Ocean 2123, which imagines the state of the oceans 100 years into the future in an immersive, undersea landscape crafted from single use plastic bottles."

After I left them, I decided I'd spoil myself with tea and a scone in the Peacock Court of what to me will always be the Caledonian Hotel. I felt I needed a treat and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. The scones were, as one would expect delicious, in fact the waitress apologised as they had run out and I had to wait for a fresh batch. An excuse to sit for a little longer.
My extra, is a bawbee, I've sung about them since I was a child but this was the first time to my knowledge that I'd actually seen one.

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