April 21

Love is in the air. The cardinal pair were on my deck together this afternoon. Usually it is just one or the other.
After we finished work today I had to go and get my hair cut, then decided to take a drive around thru Eastern Passage. On the route that I took, there are a couple of osprey nests. I took some photos of one pair, their nest is on a platform. The other pair has been trying to rebuild their nest on top of a power pole. The power pole caught fire last year and the nest was destroyed. NS Power put bars across the top of the pole to prevent the osprey from building a new nest. They are still trying to build the nest. Some people in the area are lobbying to get another pole installed with a platform on it. At the moment, NS Power is passing it off to the Dept of Natural Resources to get their ok to install another pole. By the time they get their act together, the nesting season will be finished.

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