Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


The sun finally came out, and along with it the pollinators and dragons and Damsels. Happy days!

And what makes for an even happier day? Catching a bee in flight! Not once, but three times! (View from aboveand view of the legs, heavy with pollen. The only minor bummer is that I don't know what kind of bee it is. It's about half the size of our carpenter and bumble bees and it may be in the Digger family, but I'm just not sure. I'll be back later if I get a positive ID.

And, I am also happy to report that the chickadee babiesare all fine, and sprouting their big-bird feathers! Aren't they cute?

Hubs got the race car fixed - so lots of manly happiness right now. He changed the starter and - tada - it stared! So, next order of business will be to register for the next race. In the meantime, he is doing a duathalon tomorrow morning (2k run, 13k bike, 3k run) - he's my Iron Man!

Oddly, no sign of the hummers today. It does not seem that we have our usual numbers this year - but hopefully once the babies fledge we will have a few more hanging around. In the meantime, I expect to see fledgling woodpeckers, chickadees, titmice, and cardinals within the next few weeks which should be loads of fun (and some good blip-ops.)

Dinner tonight will be grilled rare tuna with green beans and maybe a spinach salad. Sav Blanc for me and water for hubs. Lucky me! :)

Thanks for sending Rocket to the spotlight - he says purrrrrr.

I love three-day weekends!


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