Abstract Thursday ...

... Painterly affect.

Today was quite lovely even though it was a bit cooler than the previous days.  Because it was cooler we opted not to have a picnic supper for our normal Thursday date night out.  Instead we ate at Perkin's and then went to the Plainfield Rail Trail for a quick walk.  I wanted to see if the Baltimore Orioles were nesting there again this year.  And they were ... only not in the same tree as last year.  

Sadly, we still haven't seen any chipmunks at this trail.  In fact, the only place that we have actually seen chipmunks is here at the house.  Of which I'm very grateful.  But it makes me wonder where have all the other chipmunks gone to? Why haven't we seen any other's?  

Earlier in the day I was enjoying the sunshine in the backyard ... photographing all the wildlife.  Including this lovely blue jay.  I've added a 'painterly' affect for Abstract Thursday ... I hope you like it.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting this great challenge week after week.

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