Eggs for Breakfast

Cynthia the chicken from Bellingham Farmers' Market made it back to Scotland nestled in a big bag along with dirty clothes, and checked into the hold with BA at San Francisco.
She was a bit afraid that the X-ray machine would affect her fertility, but that fear has proved groundless as she has laid her first eggs this morning to my delight and that of His Lordship.

I am trying hard to come to terms with our return to the dreary weather on offer here. Apparently summer was on Saturday; it's a pity we missed it.
The colourful cherry blossom frivolity in the Meadows has also largely been missed and it is now looking very faded and passed its best.
More layers of clothing have been added and I noticed several woolly hats and scarves in evidence as we went out to stock up on the shopping.

We have eaten so well over the last 3 weeks that it will be difficult to return to our old diet. The Brussell sprouts which seemed to figure hugely in our meals before are to be replaced by fava beans if I can source a supplier. They grew in the garden at Santa Rosa and despite the labour required in preparing them, they made a wonderfully colourful and nutritious vegetable to eat.

His Lordship has retired behind his door to attend to Matters of State while I shiver in my room with five windows and a draught down my neck. I might have to put on a scarf, or the heating.

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