Cornwall Adventure Day 7 - Trift

Another 4:30am start saw us heading to Coverack for our dawn shoot of the sunrise over the tiny Cornish harbour. With the calm settled weather we are experiencing the skies were once again clear so sunrise amounted to a subtle warming up of the sky as the orb of the sun gradually rose above the headland. One accidental out of focus shot summed this up nicely (extra, SOOC).

We then effectively roamed the Lizard peninsula ending up on Lizard Point before heading back to the hotel for dinner, then our final sunset shoot overlooking Church Cove, Gunwalloe. By this time most of us were shattered, so as the skies were still persistently clear it was a relatively early return for a much needed full night's sleep before heading our separate ways in the morning.  It has been a great workshop; good company, good locations, plus brilliant weather to show off the Cornish coast (though a few more clouds could have been a bonus).

My shot is from an afternoon stop at Kynance Cove near Lizard Point, England's most Southerly point.  Having taken the obligatory shots of the glorious coastline and it's beach, which is covered at high tide, most of us just sat on the headland taking in the views and "cooling out".  The iconic pink thrift has been one of the features of the cliffs this week so I dug out my little macro lens to put it centre stage. I rather liked this shot with its tiny green beetle about to fall into the abyss.

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