
…and lions

and bears

oh, my

it’s been a bit - of time since i posted - a coloring project - probably because i’ve - been having more - difficultly with my - eyes lately making - it truly challenging - to not only - take photos daily but - now continue to - practice this wonderful - art of coloring - which provides me with - such ongoing relief - from a multitude - of ailments i struggle with - however i do find ways - of muddling on - and abba has been - very compassionate and kind - to give me - some relief with meds - so i am always - grateful for that - and i remind myself - constantly that my suffering - is really just - a moment in light of eternity

“…for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” romans 8:18 (kjv)

so i press on - with those things - i can do - to the best of - my ability and - hope it brings - a small bit of - joy to your hearts - and as always - will also lead to…


happy day…..

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