La vida de Annie

By Annie

The dude with the bell but no home

Today was the Lord Mayor's Pageant in Liverpool, an annual event. I was not aware of this when I took #2 daughter into town for an audition for a play.

We risked life and limb trying to dodge marching bands and dancing troupes on a dash from the station to the Slaughterhouse pub, where the lovely Tina Malone was seeing local talent for potential roles as her stage offspring. That sounds tongue-in-cheek, but despite her Big Brother troll persona and Shameless matriarch she is a very nice lady, and so tiny (even shorter than me, DZ!).

I was looking forward to blipping some of the parade despite the dreadful weather, but by the time I'd left #2D nursing an audition script and a J2O, it all appeared to be over, save for an army of policemen de-coning the streets (good day for crime in the city I reckon), and the town cryer wending his lonely way home... if he has one.

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