Motoring weather

Another dull start to a later hot day. I walked down town this morning to get my hair cut. The barber I've used for many years has just retired, and the barber shop I used before him was dark and empty. I went to the last option - I wasn't up for trying one of Oban's three Turkish barbers, going by the pictures in their windows! - and had my hair cut by a young lady for the first time I can remember. 

I then set off to hunt down a printing cartridge after finding yesterday that Tesco no longer sold them. I tried Argos - they discovered that their Fort William branch had one in stock, but I would have to go there to fetch it!

Our Office Supplies shop no longer stocks cartridges, so I had a couple of dozen copies printed there and persuaded them to stick one in their window.

I finally tracked one down in W.H.Smith - half price! I would have bought two, but a) they only had one and b) their half price was the same as full price in Argos! 

Having got that out of the way I set off for home. At this time of year, or maybe in this weather, we often get car clubs driving through the town. No clubs today, but I spotted this lovely Bentley in George Street and a gorgeous Lotus in the petrol station - see extra.

Had several interesting conversations on the way home and spent the afternoon potting and watering plants. 

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