Marble Chute

After dropping Euan at Nursery, we headed in to Oxford, had a cuppa and yummy cake at the Coffeesmith, picked up some things from John Lewis, roamed Blackwells where I bought Winnie the Pooh and then we met Becky for lunch.  We went to one of our favourite cafes, Gail's Bakery, for lunch but were annoyed to find that several of the tables were inhabited by young folks on their laptops with no evidence of food & drink apart from long congealed coffee cups.  One woman was sitting with her laptop at a six seater table, grrr!  The three of us squashed on to a table intended for two and no one batted an eyelid.  At the first café they had polite notices on each table saying laptop users were welcome but were kindly asked to vacate their tables at busy times when they were needed by diners.  It's doubly annoying that Oxford is not short of library spaces for study, if that is what is going on. Okay, rant over.

After lunch I had a look around the Bodleian Library shop whilst Tony went back to Blackwells in search of a book, then we hopped on the bus back and did a couple of jobs before collecting Euan.

He was tired today and so watched a bit of tv before being tempted out in to the garden to help Granny make a marble chute, which then held his attention until dinner.  We had bought him a simple Lego set with instructions for several easy models and he enjoyed following the first one to make a small car.  He was whacked by the time bath and bedtime arrived.

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