Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

I've got this!

Tonight I am going to sleep well!
I went to Ikea with Ali today and while there picked up a new pillow for me. I've decided I need something pretty firm and have tried various budget options but while they start out ok they soon seem to lose their oomph. So today I bought what to me seems a very expensive pillow, although to be honest they also sold some at an eye watering £60+. I mean, if I knew that would be perfect and would last forever then perhaps I could bite the bullet, but what if it was no good? I think the problem is that I lean my elbow on my pillow while reading in bed, I can't imagine that is good for any pillow. At any rate, tonight I am going to sleep well, I have decided.
In somewhat of an allegory of the above shot in the dark pillow selection, Colin and I decided we should test out my new toy before allowing the children near to it. Cleo decided her role was to supervise and intervene when necessary. She seemed very kittenish, in spite of the fact she's 11 years old. In spite of her interventions though, or perhaps with the help of them! I am pleased to announce that I am without doubt the family bagatelle champion.

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