Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

That Is A Buzzard

Not a comfortable night - but I will survive,

There was a request for a food pickup at ALDIs at the other end of town this morning which I accepted (I ignored the 2 earlier ones at more distant stores) which we picked on-route to meet the pick-up boss at the shortbread factory. 
We were sitting chatting waiting on the guy to open the door for us when she got a message ...... it is NEXT Friday!
However, we said we would go to Linlithgow for a pick-up which had come in since I now had the space in the car.

When we got to Linlithgow we were told that there wasn't a pick-up .... it had been collected last night.
Once again 'Fairshare' had told more than one charity about the same collection. A very poor choice of names for a charity when they are costing other charities money and failing to be fair.

On the way back from Linlithgow I stopped a couple of times to get some pictures of the sky and autumn colours (a dozen over HERE).
The two slightly unusual things I saw were a metal detectorist (in the middle of a massive field which will take him several days to cover) and that Buzzard. Unfortunately I had a wide-angled lens on the camera so no close-up of the bird.

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