Underpants Boy

So...the fun starts.

For the last several months, Merrick has hit the potty chair several times. We've received quite a few phone calls. "I did it! I did it!"

They say that when they're ready to start using the chair...then they'll use it. For the most part...he's just not ready.

My favorite part? It's when Grandma points me out. "Look at Pa-pa...he's going potty in the big potty...'cause he's a big boy. He uses the potty." Sheesh. Then, I pull up my Superman underpants...and away I go.

As you can see on Merrick...he prefers the Toy Story boys. Buzz Lightyear and Woody. Of the two, I like Woody the best, although Buzz had the most memorable line..."TO INFINITY, AND BEYOND!!!" (Is there such a thing as beyond infinity?)

We're off to a high school open house. I just might change into my Batman briefs. Or, should I go with Aquaman? Decisions, decisions.

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