
By Jaxter46

The girls

Woke in the night with a sore chest, I thought I'd shaken it off last weekend don't need this with the camping weekend ahead.

I got up at 6 and was on the road by quarter to 7. The roads were very quiet which was good and I made great time arriving at Shell Island just before 9. No sign of Sian or Jane, they'd taken the wrong turning en route and then had sailed straight past the entrance to the Shell Island and ended up in Harlech.

They finally arrived and we went to find a pitch, got a lovely spec right by the sea and set up camp. Had sausage butties and then went off up the beach for a good long walk, Barney was in his element lapping up the attention he was getting.

Dull and damp but not cold even though there was a good breeze. Lit a cracking fire and sat around nattering and having a laugh.

Planning a walk up to the resevoir and water fall tomorrow

Hope everyone has a great weekend

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