
By Jaxter46

Go girls

Up early this morning, my chest is killing me and my voice is going.

After a crackin fry up we drove over to Llanbedr, parked up and walked to the waterfall, a brilliant walk, all sorts of flora and fauna to see on the way. After the walk we went back to the tents had something to eat and then set off to the sand dunes on Shell Island. Some of the dunes are really steep and we had great fun climbing them, Just had to post this one of the girls legging down one of the dunes, of course Barney had to be involved too

A couple of pints at the pub followed by curry and rice and another big fire. Hardly any voice by the end of the evening and I had to use Sian's inhaler to clear the airways which worked really well.

I rang Mike at home to make sure all was ok and got some disturbing and upsetting news which really makes me shudder each time I think how the outcome could have been so tragic.

Gary Natalie and Ellis were visiting Paul and Louise yesterday, no one is sure what happened but somehow the front door wasn't locked and Ellis escaped. Must have only been seconds but thats all it takes, the next thing they heard was a car horn being beeped (they live right on the busy coast road) Ellis was only in the middle of the road, luckily a council worker leapt out to grab him and all ended well. Just doesn't bare thinking about

Hope all is well in blipland

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