Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

First of the Year

It's always amazing to me that when the spring temps reach a certain level, the honeybees suddenly emerge and seem to know right where to go for a meal.  My patches of dwarf iris were abuzz this afternoon when I stepped out - sending me directly back in to grab a camera.  First of the year bees are always worth some time!  It's only 55F but with brilliant sunshine so it feels warmer.  I've yet to see the first bumble bee as they need it to be just a little bit warmer before the queens will come out to play.  But soon...

I am happy to say that I have NOT gotten Hubs' cold - apparently I just had a little allergy/sinus thing going on yesterday.  Hubs, unfortunately, is still feeling crummy although it doesn't seem to be a particularly bad cold, as colds go.  Of course, it is a Man-Cold, which is way worse than anything a woman could possibly get.

I've been very productive today with laundry, sorting and cleaning a couple of "catch-all" drawers in the kitchen (we all have them...), spraying some of the clothes for SA with Permethrin, putting all my flight and hotel info into a document for parents and husband, putting more stuff in the "to be packed" pile, and an hour yoga practice.  We switched Jax's day care this week from Thursday to Friday so I have a dog-free day which helps my productivity.  

We watched "Marshall" which was an interesting and well-done movie about Thurgood Marshall's early days as a Civil Rights attorney before he became the first African American person to be seated on the United States Supreme Court.  

Haven't made a dark decision yet today.   


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