
By LadyFindhorn

Here We Go Again

Goodness it’s an uninspiring, bleak cold day again today just when I thought spring was about to make an entrance. As I stood in Costa high up at the corner of Princes Street and Hanover Street waiting for the baristas to produce a flat white and a cappuccino for daughter #1 and me, I said as much to the lady waiting beside me. 
I was amazed when she said she preferred this kind of grey day. She must be very happy at the moment- me, not so much. The weather affects my cheerfulness to a greater or lesser degree depending on how much cloud cover there is.

As the daughter departed for gallery duty I did a spot of shopping in M&S mainly birthday cards for the Elgin twins’ 18th birthday this week before walking to daughter #2 who had been roped in to run me to collect my Persian runner from The Nomad’s Tent where it had been demothed  and cleaned. Apart from the area on which  the Cullen moths had feasted extensively and was deemed too expensive to mend, it looks fine in the corridor to the bathroom now.

I’ve been watching the Scotland - Italy rugby match, at least I watched it until half time when I thought it was all too close for comfort and listened to ClassicFM instead . Having  just sneaked a peak , I see it’s the same old story. The opposition come out in the second half refreshed and are  now winning. …….back to Classic FM.

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