One click at a time

By KeithKnight

June Challenge - Hungry

Day 30 of TerriG's June daily challenge - Hungry

The last day of the challenge, so thanks to TerriG for setting it, it's been fun.

Three weeks ago I reported in my blip that my weight had gone over the 100kg line, and that to try and get it back the other side of that line I was embarking on taking more exercise. I can report that in the last 3 weeks I have lost 3kg from this extra exercise, I now need to get closer to what I would like to weigh (which is still more than the charts say I should weigh), so I shall keep up the exercise.

As a result what you see for today's blip is not my lunch, I'm not dieting or going hungry, I'm still eating sensibly, but enough to satisfy and then burning it off with the extra exercise. This did form part of my lunch, but I had a lot more leaf than that, all of the tomato, not just a slice, and a good chunk of pepper, along with other bits. I then went into the garden where I did some more exercise by filling the garden waste recycling bin with more bits of dead bushes, mending the lawn mower and topping up the bin with several weeks growth of grass from the back lawn wilderness.

Hungry? - I would have been if that was my lunch!

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