Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

It's hard work being a working woman..............

It never ceases to amaze Ann how lazy I am. Actually, I don't think 'lazy' is the correct word. I'm just a chillaxed, contented, relaxed little Collie pup. Even after owning me for more than 5 years, Ann still compares me to 'MollyCollie'. MollyCollie was Ann's first dog and she had a lot of mental health issues problems. She was a very 'needy' dog and needed a very strict routine.

I just fit into whatever Ann wants me to do. Ann still can't believe how adaptable I am. There again, we've lived with each other since she first adopted me when I was only about 3 months old in 2019. And then of course, lock down happened so we developed a really strong bond.

For those of you who don't read our BLIPS regularly, we have homes in Edinburgh & St Ives and are trying to live between the two places. Yes, we know, having homes 600 miles apart is a bit of a challenge?!................

Anyway, here we are back in St Ives for the summer, and my human is back working at her favourite work place in the world, which is the ''Harbour Pool Club'. It's fab!!! It's like it's stuck in a 1970s time warp. Lol! She only does 5 hour shifts because she doesn't want to leave me for any longer than that because she is a very nice Collie pup owner. Not that I care. I'm always just snoozing in my bed when she gets home.

 However, 4 x 5hr shifts a week on her feet makes her a bit tired, but do you know what?...................... She always puts me first................

This morning I went for my early morning walk along the lane and then after we'd had breakfast I had an hours play on the dunes at Hayle (in this BLIP). 

Before Ann went to work (1-6pm), I had a play in the field next to our house and when she came home from work I had another play in the field.

No wonder I'm flaked out now?!!! My human is pretty flaked out too!!!


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