
By ArcLight


You'd think that Mr A and I would be happy to have a decent camera shop amongst our #leithwalkshops. Well, yes, of course it is good, but the only thing is that it has moved from literally across the road. So that's not quite so good, especially for Mr A who doesn't venture up the Walk as much as I do.

A day of difficult meetings, in both the work life and the personal life. The personal life meeting was a meeting with the original developers, the project managers and the appointed building company, with the other residents, to discuss the process of the works on the building. It seems most likely that we will be swathed in scaffolding next winter. But at least it seems that we won't lose our parking space for the duration of the works. The works are probably going to be even more intrusive than we thought but perhaps we have a vague idea when they might finally end and we are released from this nightmare. While people do point out that with the developer taking responsibility we are not in as bad a place as many others, I still get quite wound up thinking about the whole thing. This is especially when I remember that the developer's shoddy works (or those of the builders they employed) led to two nailed pipes in our hallway, which resulted in the floors being ripped up twice, with associated decorating works (and those were nailed pipes #2 and #3 in my life...). Anyway, best to be as zen about it as I can. It is what it is, and eventually it will pass. And at least we have Tain to escape to, where our friends N and A got to starting the process of moving into their new house. Looking forward to seeing it soon.

Of the difficult meetings in the work life I will say nothing, except to note that at the meeting at lunchtime today, where I was trying to be a facilitator, I felt somewhat out of my depth.

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