Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Paddling away

Today we moved on from Locarno to Lucerne.  The reputation of the Swiss railway system for ruthless efficiency and punctuality took a bit of a dent this morning when we arrived at the station to find our train to Bellinzona had been cancelled.  We were due to change there to our first 'special' train, the Gothard Panorama Express, but the cancellation meant that we missed it.  The local staff at the station sorted out a scheduled train for us to get to Flüelen where we were due to get the lake boat to Lucerne and annoyingly, the panorama train was just pulling out of Bellinzona as we pulled in!

It didn't really spoil things too much though.  We travelled the same route and were in time to catch the lake boat.  That took a leisurely three hours to Lucerne through some lovely scenery whilst enjoying a drink.  We passed this paddle boat; the oldest one still working on the lake, built in 1901.  Our boat was rather more modern but still very pleasant.

Now in our hotel in Lucerne for four nights.  A lot bigger and busier than Locarno but looks lovely and with plenty to do.  We've been out and taken a few photos already including of the mediaeval floral bridge, but I'll save that for a blip another day.

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