
By pandieb


Not one, not two, and not even three froggys in my teeny tiny pond today. There's a fourth one out of camera shot too. 

A quiet day, weeding and cutting the front grass after a couple of summers of No Mow May have left it more dandelion than grass and sorting out ESTA's and eTAs for my trip to the US and Canada later in the year. 

Both countries have accepted me. Phew!  There's always that moment of trepidation when dealing with immigration forms, even though you know that no, you've never been a terrorist or have an untreated STD.

BBQ later. I always want to do it at lunchtime  but Himself doesn't like eating outside so puts it off until dinner time. It will probably still be warm enough but he'll make a fuss about flying things and sometimes it's a battle not worth fighting.

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