
By NickyH


Thank you so much for the well wishes yesterday for my father in law. The good news is he's doing fantastically! They actually did a triple bypass and he was expected to be in intensive care for at least 24 hours, then secondary care, then back to his own room - amazingly he's making such a great recovery that he's back in his own room already! I'm astonished. And also very relieved!

Work for me today (boooooo!) but I sneakily closed early and went for a walk down the old railway lines with H to my friends house for a catch up (and some of her delicious mint chocolate cheesecake!) whilst Matt went to visit his dad. H and her daughter Isabella are in the same class at school, so they had a lot of fun!

Then it was home for tea in the garden with H & Matt. The child is now bedded, the fizz is about to be opened and we are going to relax properly for the first time this week.

Thank you again for your kind wishes yesterday. I promise I'll catch up on your journals as soon as I can. It's just been a hectic few days xx

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