Lotus Eater

Say haven't you noticed?
I ate the lotus
I ate the lotus

With thanks to Ceridwen for the title - yes, more unashamed hedonism going on. Please biggify to see the encampment - towel, hat, Dickens. I had to keep on moving for the tide was coming in and I was out swimming and noticed my flip flops were floating. Heavenly - high tide, clear water, no jellyfish, two pollock, a light breeze, fat shrimps and no humans. The only slight disturbance was the arrival of the farmer plus manure wagon in the field - great sprays of shite going everywhere.

The weather was boiling but clouds are rolling in and things seem to be changing. Cool enough to manage a bit of mowing early evening and a lot of watering. There are mutterings of drought and concerns that wells might run dry, Everywhere is starting to look a bit parched.

I ate the lotus

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