Birthday at Bosham

Where else would I go for my birthday but Bosham? First we had a fantastic lunch at India Gate on the Bognor Road, contemporary Indian food - sea bass suganda (spicy mango sauce) just right for a hot day. Then on to Bosham for a walk. Strange light today, bit of a haze but unbearably hot even on the coast. The tide was just going out, you can see the road gets covered by the tide twice a day and is still wet and dotted with seaweed here. How would you like to live in one of those houses where the sea comes right up to the wall? Exciting? Or too scary on stormy nights? I'd just love to sit in that window with the waves breaking right beneath me.

I already had a birthday BBQ on Saturday, cooked by our son and his girlfriend, and theatre later in the week. How lucky am I?

AND - what more auspicious day for a Royal birth ;-)

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