Waiting for the rain to stop

As I was walking up to work today, it was a bit misty but it was not raining, but then there was this big thunder and lightning and the skies opened afterwards!!! Lots of water! It caught everybody a bit by surprise.

All day it has been really muggy. The sun made a brief appearance in the afternoon.

As the weather forecast predicted rain, I didn't take the big camera with me so, I took this photo with the small one, whilst holding my umbrella. Therefore the quality of the image is not great, but I like it.

First day back to work after my holidays has been hard. Not easy to go back to the stress of work after a few days of relax.

This evening I'm finishing the cake I started yesterday, which I'll deliver tomorrow. So you'll see it tomorrow!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my self portrait yesterday! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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