Mist in the morning

that left soon enough and the butterflies came from their hidden places and landed upon the flowers.
Could the butterfly of the picture be a Phragmatobia fuliginosa. Any way it is the one that looks rather similiar in what I find in the guidebook.
We have a wonderful time with my brother and sister-in-law. We sit outside, very relaxed, and talk about what us all interests.
In the afternoon, not surprisingly, we all took a nap, and drove after that the odd kilometers to Helmarshausen to the Krukeburg ruin. This is a middle aged ruin and in the last century it was restored. Piet Hein and my brother climbed the enormous high tower and waved from above.
A walk through Helmarshausen, a very quiet village, and along the Diemel back.
Now Piet Hein prepares pizza.

My haiku:

Together we looked
And choose the picture of the
Bend long proboscis

And the proverb:

Men heeft hem/haar ingezeept.


One has him/her soaped

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