Ridiculously Happy ......

.......... both with this "flutterby" shot and the response to yesterday's journal entry.

I think this is a Green-Veined White butterfly - a little ragged around the edges (aren't we all??) but beautiful all the same ..... I'm so pleased with the shot because I have no macro lens, it was handheld and the butterfly kept fluttering by making it hard to get a shot ..... it's certainly not up to Vodkaman or Debbi's standards but I'm still smiling with a sense of achievement - and I caught the eye well too - woohoo!!!

Sipping the nectar

Now, yesterday's b/w field shot - what an unexpected response - I'm stunned at how much you seemed to like it and it's currently sitting in the second square on the spotlight page - thank you all very, very much for your comments and helpful advice (and thanks Jack for going the extra mile - you're a star) .....

I'm feeling on top of the world so am going to self-indulge with my favourite song of the moment ..... I just love the lines ...

"....... all this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost ...."

Wake me up when it's all over - when I'm wiser and I'm older ...

NIKON D5200 : f/4 : 1/1000" : 50mm : ISO 640

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