
Youse in the know will know that this lighthouse is Hyskeir. Youse no in the know will no know. Well, yi know noo!
I'm on the effin seven hour ferry frae Barra to Oban via Lochboisdale, y'see.
There's supposed to be wifi but it's not playing. The information desk dude tells me it's a known problem with iPhone security settings. So I try it on my kindle. Same problem. I may as well just go and get another calmac roll and square sausage.
The quiet lounge with airline seats is good for a doze and read, but there are an elderly glasga couple who periodically shout at each other at full volume.
It's like they've been at some village idiot convention. Which reminds me, oot tonight when back in Embra for a nosh to celebrate MrsMcC's impending 60th. Jings. I wonder what rubbish I can talk.

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