yesterday on my walk. And not going anywhere due to the major task of clearing the driveway, (I started by doing bits everyday, but when I see the end nearing, I can not withhold myself and can hardly stop at the right moment) I put them on the table outside and tried my luck upon these pretty red hips.
I had imagined I could cook them and eat the result, expecting the healthy vitamines that are said they store.
I still could do that I think. The blackberries that I came upon too, and taking the ones that were ripe, I ate then and there.
It was a warm day and I am thankful for the breeze that gives a bit of coolness.
The wasp-waist was certainly named after my yesterday's wasp. A woman with that waist could not breath properly and dammage was done to her bones!!!

My haiku:

Kneeled down for my job
I met a giant ant who was
Not amused I saw

And the proverb:

Ik heb het nooit gezegd, maar wel honderdmaal gedacht, zei Teunis, toen de schout hem vroeg, of hij hem voor een schurk had uitgemaakt.

Translation: I did not ever say it, but have thought it a hundred times, said Tony, when the bailiff asked him if he had called him a scoundrel (villain).

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