Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Cooper's Hawk Gets Meal

It was a long day...I did a photo shoot which lasted most of the day and when I got home, I realized I'd taken over 1000 photos....so I started editing them. Part way into that I decided I needed a chicken sandwich and a glass of wine....ahh yes, let's get our priorities straight:))

Then we heard a WHOOSH outside, and I snuck to the doors to see a hawk lift off several times and go just a few feet. I ran for the camera, which had my 18-135 lens on (but oh well, let's try it!!). He flew up to a nearby tree which had too many small limbs....so hard to see him. I snuck around the house and approached him, and finally found a few vantage points where I could watch him devour his catch (I'm sure it was a sweet bird).

I really think the Cooper's Hawk is my favorite...I love their white underbelly, and their spots. If you'd like to see more photos, visit my FLICKR PAGE :)

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