Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Driven in Every Direction...

...and all roads lead to CRAZY.

It was a particularly difficult day. Work was intense with a few projects due tomorrow and my boss arriving in town to discuss them. I had a killer headache the entire day and had no Ibuprofin left in my handbag (passed it all out to injured family last week on vacation and forgot to restock!)

Directly after work I had to drive to Düsseldorf to attend the back-to-school parent night for my daughters in 11th and 12th grades. It was a good experience in terms of meeting many teachers and having meaningful discussions about how to best help the kids progress - but it was incredibly overcrowded in the meeting rooms and very hot and insanely loud - causing my headache to explode through my skull.

By time I got in the car to drive home at 10 pm, I was practically blind from the pain, and exhausted. I managed to take the wrong exit THREE different times, and twice had to drive all the way to Duisburg before I was able to turn around and get back on track. I was a puddle of frustrated and tired tears by time I got home at 11:30 pm.

But the fun didn't quite end there, as my husband and daughter were still packing to leave for Scotland early the next morning and needed a few more organizational issues cleared from me first. This was frustrating as it was stuff they could easily figure out themselves. I had already prepared their entire itinerary, booked their ferry trips and hotels, mapped out the directions, registered at the open house events, compiled a spreadsheet of information on the university choices, and basically done everything else they needed, including communicating all this info to them in detail, in email,with web links, etc...

Yeah... not much more to say, except tomorrow is a new day.

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